Sunday, January 3, 2010

Tuna Diet What Vitamins Should I Take While On The Veggie Fruit And Tuna Diet?

What vitamins should I take while on the veggie fruit and tuna diet? - tuna diet

My plan is to eat it, lots of fruits, vegetables, tuna, chicken breast, boneless, skinless and boiled eggs. You can also complete the bread. I dare not drink the tap water regularly, then go drink water or juice to most of the time-drive (unless you have) a healthy tip. So my question is, what vitamins I lose to this plan? All proposals for a multi-vitamin or something? In addition, suggestions on the best types of fruits and vegetables to eat would be awesome. Thank you!


Nina said...

I think for women, a multi-vitamin is specifically designed for women (for example, is a woman-to-day) is best. Currently, I am Mrs. generic multi-vitamin A, and all since I started, I feel much better mentally. If you try to lose weight, check out this I lost 40 pounds. It does not really help me too much to eat. It's awesome, and I do not think that woulda capable of 40 pounds without losing his rudeness. Good luck to you! :)

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